Rip Off

We (team Water) have finally submitted the "Rip Off" game. It all started from the classical version on the vectrex console: .
There are some diamonds in the centre of the screen that have to be protected by the player. The enemy ships will try to steal them and shoot the player.

We had to reproduce the classical version (we used this version as a model), to create an evolved version, and to port it on PSP and GameCube.

PSP evolved

The pictures show the evolved version, using also networking. When the game ends, a final explosion is spawned. We have taken some videos, but unfortunately, the recordering has a very low quality:

PSP classic

PC evolved

It has the same graphics as the PSP, but in the PC version the ships are 3D models, and the camera is not quite perpendicular to the screen. However, the PSP has more effects: the thief ships have fire jets and the explosions have inertia.

PC classic

Game Cube classic

Simone and James ported the classic version on Game Cube, and also added some variations to the gameplay. Screenshots and videos will be made available soon.

An older post, with some old videos/screenshots can be found here. The post also contains some details of implementation.